Alexandre medjaher chomat – violin artist

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Indeed, what I am offering here is not just a mere artistic concept: I am presenting a universe that I create, so the end product is not solely music, but rather it encompasses me as an artist and, by extension, as a human being. This universe embodies my values of kindness, compassion, empathy, and my sensitivity.

The challenges and victories I experience enrich and give more texture to my universe, and I undergo growth within my environment, within my world.

My approach undergoes transformation as I progress. You may know me as an artist, but that represents only a fraction of who I am!

Explorez l'évolution artistique et personnelle d'Alexandre Medjaher, artiste aventurier, à travers son parcours du développement conceptuel. Découvrez comment il fusionne aventure, musique et leadership.
Explorez l'évolution artistique et personnelle d'Alexandre Medjaher, artiste aventurier, à travers son parcours du développement conceptuel. Découvrez comment il fusionne aventure, musique et leadership.


Indeed, what I am offering here is not just a mere artistic concept: I am presenting a universe that I create, so the end product is not solely music, but rather it encompasses me as an artist and, by extension, as a human being. This universe embodies my values of kindness, compassion, empathy, and my sensitivity.

The challenges and victories I experience enrich and give more texture to my universe, and I undergo growth within my environment, within my world.

My approach undergoes transformation as I progress. You may know me as an artist, but that represents only a fraction of who I am!


I hold the belief that our world is brimming with unanswered questions, shrouded in mystery on many fronts. I'm inherently curious, driven by an insatiable desire to peer beyond the confines of my familiar surroundings. However, venturing into the unknown can often be a daunting prospect.

In February 2022, fate brought me an encounter that would forever alter my world and shake the foundations of my knowledge. It was an electrifying experience that initially compelled me to step out of my comfort zone and embark on a journey to unravel the world's mysteries, starting with my first venture into spelunking—a long-held aspiration of mine. This momentous shift, both in my artistic and personal life, bore a magnitude akin to the introduction of the violin into my existence. Perhaps, this encounter was akin to an angel silently influencing my story, unbeknownst to me.

The undeniable truth is that I've discovered the rewards of leaving one's comfort zone, daring to tread where fear would otherwise hinder us, and demolishing our self-imposed barriers. Grounded in this newfound understanding, I made the decision to bridge the gap between my passion for the world's wonders and the artistry that defines me. Thus, I began orchestrating various caving expeditions, unearthing astonishing underground realms. Later, I took the plunge into these subterranean worlds with my acoustic violin, capturing the unparalleled acoustics that have so far eluded replication by modern surface technology. My exploration extended to mountaineering, where I sought out the most awe-inspiring and towering summits, including the triumphant ascent of Mont Blanc, Western Europe's loftiest peak, soaring to an elevation of 4810 meters. This endeavor presented a genuine test of human endurance and physical prowess, and I was accompanied by my steadfast comrade, Maxime Frost.

Accompagnez Alexandre Medjaher, l'artiste aventurier, dans les profondeurs de la spéléologie. Plongez dans son exploration artistique et personnelle tout en bravant les défis souterrains et en cultivant son leadership.


The spelunking aspect presents a significant challenge, both for myself and my instrument. It's essential always to have an experienced guide accompany you on these journeys!

Undoubtedly, descending into these underground environments requires rigorous physical training and a solid grasp of spelunking equipment, with expeditions lasting approximately 10 hours below the Earth's surface.

It's important to note that certain underground chambers may have higher-than-average levels of CO2, resulting in lower oxygen levels, which can lead to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, and shortness of breath.

For the instrument, it poses an entirely unique challenge. The violin must be meticulously protected and conditioned to remain stable in an environment with a temperature of approximately 10 degrees Celsius and 100% humidity.

Moisture infiltrates the wood, causing it to expand and exert tension on the strings, potentially causing them to snap!

To address this issue, before descending into the cave, it's advisable to conduct test exposures in smaller caves to allow the violin to adapt. If the strings break, it's possible to exit promptly and replace them as soon as possible.

In the cave where the videos are filmed, the violin intentionally undergoes a lower tuning (toward the lower register) to provide some flexibility for the strings, which tend to tighten due to the humidity, thus preventing potential damage. Observant music enthusiasts may likely pick up on this!


The experience of this artistic concept is truly unique.

On one hand, it offers an artistic performance, but it also represents a way of life that, through personal development and my studies in psychology, aims to help individuals understand themselves and what sometimes holds them back.

Fear is an excellent mental barrier. It keeps you confined within a comfort zone (which we all need) and convinces you that what lies beyond is a danger.

However, often, all the power and beauty of the world lie beyond that comfort zone, beyond our deepest-rooted fears. Just crossing that threshold once is enough to discover the treasure that awaits.

And that's what I'd like to show you, always with my violin !







Découvrez une fusion envoûtante entre Performances de violon et danse , et leadership alors qu'Alexandre Medjaher Chomat, l'artiste aventurier, se lance dans une performance unique aux Bains Bleus Genève. Plongez dans l'expression artistique et la créativité qui transcendent les frontières.



Alexandre Medjaher Chomat face au montagne

Mont Blanc Project

This project is one of my favorites, and it means a lot to me.

With a mountain guide and my friend Maxime Frost, an expert in cold exposure and its benefits, we plan to reach the summit of the highest peak in Western Europe, which stands at an impressive altitude of 4810 meters.

This challenge tests the limits of even the most accomplished athletes and hiking enthusiasts due to its extreme conditions, including temperatures that can plummet to -30 degrees, reduced oxygen levels at high altitudes (which can decrease by half above 3000 meters), and the physical and psychological effort it demands. Beyond being a physical feat, one's mental fortitude plays a significant role in the success of this project.

But, as with anything, whether it's the violin or any other discipline you might undertake, to reach summits, it requires consistency and a healthy dose of courage to overcome your fears, the deadly crevasses, vertigo, and the wind. Regardless of the size of your steps, when you ascend the slope, you always eventually reach the summit.

My forthcoming projects will delve into exploring the roots of human history and flirt with the enigmas of our world, to which I dedicate a substantial amount of my energy in exploration.

The Tassili N'Ajjer caves in Algeria emerge as one of humanity's cradles, bearing enigmatic paintings that surfaced over 6000 years ago, sprawling across an expanse of approximately 125,000 square kilometers. You're now acquainted with my fervor for caves and their astounding acoustics, realms hitherto untouched by the harmonious vibrations of music as we comprehend it. Within these caverns, myriad scenes unfold, portraying hunting, wildlife, everyday life, celebrations, and enigmatic beings adorned with distinctive ornamentation.



The enigmatic Barabar Caves in India beckon me like no other. Crafted at least 2300 years ago from massive granite blocks, these caves possess two perplexing features. Their internal surfaces mirror the smoothness of glass, a feat achieved today only through intricate machinery. And, to top it off, their architectural design and surfaces facilitate an extraordinary resonance of sound. The sound reverberates with incredible acoustics, particularly harmonizing with the precise frequencies of perfect chords. This cannot be mere happenstance. Perfect chords don't arise without profound insights into music and physics. The frequencies inherent in these chords and their meticulous arrangement distinguish them from other musical chord types. Beyond theoretical understanding, the endeavor necessitates instruments to measure these frequencies and a technique for crafting caves from the unyielding granite. Here, even the slightest deviation or error mandates starting the cave's construction anew.

Enigmes du Passe Dessins de Tassili NAjjer Algerie

Tassili N'Ajjer Sketches, Algeria

Vers lInconnu Aux Abords des Grottes de Tassili NAjjer Sahara Algerie

Exterior of Tassili N'Ajjer Caves, Sahara, Algeria

Harmonie Architecturale Les Grottes de Barabar Inde

Architecture of Barabar Caves, India